Online Etiquette

Swaroop Koshy Mathew
3 min readJun 14, 2021
Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash

Etiquette is the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

Virtual meetings are an invaluable tool for connecting with everyone from prospects and clients to coworkers and remote team members. With a simple conference call or the click of a link to an online meeting, you can carry out everything from sales calls to status updates with worldwide participants — and with the addition of video conferencing, it can feel as if you’re in the same room. But, have taken the time to consider your online business etiquette


•All members to turn on the Video (Any bandwidth constraints should be communicated).
• Ensure your workspace has good lighting and your face is visible clearly.
• Choose a background that is plain (E.g.: wall).
• Document diligence:
1. All meetings need to have a documented footprint.
2. Facilitator to be selected to guide the meetings.
3. Designated team member to be assigned (prior) to take MoM (Minutes of Meeting).
4. Meeting notes to be documented in respective channels in MS Teams.
• Be presentable on Video. Any non-presentability on video corroborates with the levels of preparation for the meeting.
• Do not multitask while you are attending the meeting (E.g.: Attending calls, Emails). o Any need to attend any other task should be informed to the organizer/facilitator.
• Avoid eating/munching/chewing in the meeting. A glass or cup to drink is fine.
• Avoid rustling papers or making other distracting noises in the background.
• Be careful not to interrupt others when they’re speaking. Raise your hand when you want to.
• Turn off or silence your phone (if you aren’t using it to call-in).
• Do a trial run before the call, at least for the first few times of using an online communication tool to get a hang of it.


Tip #1 Stick to a Schedule.
Tip #2 Minimize Distractions.
Tip #3 Start the Call right:
❖ Start with introductions.
❖ Attendees to be acknowledged.
Tip #4 Protect Sensitive Information
❖ If you are sharing your screen while presenting to the other meeting attendees, make sure that only intended content is seen. Before you launch a video conference, close unnecessary tabs from your browser window and other apps you’ve been working on.
Tip #5 Keep the Meeting Moving: The facilitator must keep the meeting moving.
Tip #6 Plan an Effective Wrap-Up
❖ At the end of the meeting, the organizer will do a quick recap, providing decisions made and actions agreed on. Also, let everyone know what to expect next.
Tip #7 Give Some Grace
❖ Be patient with participants and allow some grace for any miscommunications that may occur.

Online meetings and video conferences are an efficient means of communication and invaluable methods for bringing people together. But without preparation and processes intended to make them as effective as possible, they risk wasting participants’ time without actually achieving anything of value.

Lets focus together on achieving high productivity and provide value to the Team and our Clients by following these online etiquette.

Courtesy: Reference The How-Tos of Video Conferencing Etiquette,
by Jamie Davidson

